FOP Goes To Bat For (Alleged) Man-Raping Cop


DAILY NEWS: At deposition, Paige insisted he invited Harris into his car only to “mentor” a troubled young man. He denied that any sex, consensual or otherwise, took place. Instead, the married officer offered an unusual defense that another judge, rejecting Paige’s plea for summary judgment in Harris’ civil-rights complaint, called outrageous: Paige claimed that he frequently had consensual sex with women in the secluded spot and that Harris somehow found the spot, fished one of Paige’s used condoms from the snow and dumped its contents, along with Harris’ spit, into the Styrofoam cup detectives later had tested for DNA. After his acquittal, the Fraternal Order of Police went to bat for him to return to work. The arbitrator concluded that oral sex had occurred but that prosecutors failed to prove it was forced. So he reduced Paige’s dismissal to a 30-day suspension. Paige returned to work in April 2009, police spokesman Lt. Ray Evers said. He also got back pay; an amount wasn’t immediately available, but his current salary is $62,519, according to city payroll records. Paige, who joined the force in 1989, had a lengthy disciplinary history even before he met Harris. MORE