DEAR OCCUPY: The Men Who Put A Gun To The Nation’s Head Over The Debt Ceiling And F*cked Up Our Triple-A Rating Are At The Four Seasons

ROLL CALL: House conservatives head to Philadelphia today for the annual Heritage Foundation Conservative Members Retreat as their movement faces a critical test of its ability to shape the Republican Party agenda. It also comes at a delicate time for House Republicans, who pledged that their Conference members were unified coming out of their own retreat last weekend but still bear the scars of last year’s intraparty battles over the debt ceiling and government spending. “I am much more confident this year that you’re not going to be in a reactive mode the way you were last year,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said at the House GOP retreat in Baltimore. The Virginia Republican also predicted there would be no government shutdown fights this year, a nod to the fact that a large part of 2011 was consumed with such battles, distracting from other parts of the new majority’s agenda. MORE

PHAWKER: Dear #OccupyPhilly, it doesn’t say so in the above story, but we have it on good authority that they are at the Four Seasons. You would be remiss if you didn’t send the welcoming committee over to greet them. Just sayin’.

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