Ex-Marine Fireman, Inexplicably Suspended For Posing Shirtless In Charity Calendar, Commits Suicide

PHILLY.COM: John (Jack) Slivinski Jr., the Philadelphia firefighter who got in hot water by posing shirtless for a charity calendar, was found dead at his Lawndale home Saturday. Police and colleagues said the cause was suicide. Slivinski, 31, a former Marine who followed his father into the department, was praised Sunday as a gutsy firefighter who won a spot on the department’s elite rescue unit. MORE RELATED: Since joining the Philadelphia Police Department in 2003, Officer Deona Carter has been heralded by her supervisors as a “reliable” cop with “sound judgment.” The 29-year-old officer’s Internet fans also rave about her […]


[Illustration by GREG JOENS] BY COLONEL TOM SHEEHY In the Spring of 1978, I was working for A&M Records in Boston. I was staying at the Copley Plaza Hotel, and as I was getting dressed, I decided not to wear my jacket that morning. I got on the elevator, and as it stopped on the floor below me, a man got on who looked very familiar, but what really caught my attention was his manner of dress. He was wearing a very heavy winter coat which suggested to me, the weather must have changed over night. I debated whether or […]

BOOKS: Q&A Wth Annie Jacobsen, Author Of Area 51

BY JONATHAN VALANIA Annie Jacobsen writes about national security for the Los Angeles Times’ Sunday Magazine. Recently, she published a fascinating and expansive history of Area 51, which is sort of the Land Of Oz for conspiracy theorists, UFOologists and national security buffs alike. According to Jacobsen, it is also the incubator and proving ground for most if not all of the gee-whiz top secret surveillance hardware, aircraft and weaponry deployed by the national security state and ground zero for more than 100 above and below ground nuclear bomb tests. But it is the final chapter of the book that […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR What does it really mean for the brain to experience pleasure? That’s the question neuroscientist David Linden asks in his new book The Compass of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, and Gambling Feel So Good. In it, he traces the origins of pleasure in the human brain and how and why we become addicted to certain food, chemicals and behaviors. Linden is a professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the chief editor of the Journal of Neurophysiology. When he spoke with Fresh Air‘s Terry […]

SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: Less Guns, More Butter

BY WILLIAM C. HENRY Let’s be clear about a few things right from the start: 1) In matters concerning budget balancing and deficit reduction, America doesn’t have a “welfare” problem, it has a “warfare” problem; 2) With respect to solutions, one party concedes that all government expenditures must be on the table, the other says the same, but lies; 3) I’d love to argue these points with some really smart, fair-minded right-wingers, but that’s an oxymoron.   Here are what any RATIONAL person would have to agree are some altogether indefensible U.S. “warfare” facts: A) America spends as much on its military as […]

BED, BARF AND BEYOND: 35 Pounds Of Vomit Found In Parking Lot Of Radnor Home Accents Store

NBC PHILADELPHIA: A 35-pound bag of human vomit was found in the parking lot of a Bed Bath and Beyond in Radnor – for the second time in a week. An employee of the Delaware County store found a big white bag containing a medical waste container full of vomit two Sundays in a row – May 29 and June 5, police say. The employee found the vomit-filled containers in the same spot each time: under a tree, 10 parking rows from the store entrance, police say. MORE

ALBUM REVIEW: Black Milk Random Axe

BY MATTHEW HENGEVELD This album would have been commercially successful if it had come out during the Detroit hip-hop boom of 2009, when people were salivating for more Black Milk and anything else Detroit-related. However, Milk let this album basque in the sun, grow with age and hone-in on sculpting a quintessential “Black Milk” style. Black Milk has been sampling guitar licks and dialing down the pitch for a while now, a technique that works well for him. However, his newest release Album of the Year suffered from overproduction, uncatchy hooks and drum breaks too complex for hip-hop. Though not […]

THE DEPARTED: Whitey Bulger Bagged By FBI

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Bulger is scheduled to make an appearance in Los Angeles federal court Thursday. He faces a series of federal charges including murder, conspiracy to commit murder, narcotics distribution, extortion and money laundering. He was on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted” list for his alleged role in 19 murders. The arrest brings an end to a manhunt that received worldwide attention as the FBI received reported sightings of Bulger and Greig from all over the United States and parts of Europe. He has been the subject of several books and was an inspiration for the 2006 Martin Scorsese film […]

Obama To Announce Accelerated Afghan Drawdown

NEW YORK TIMES: President Obama plans to announce Wednesday evening that he will order the withdrawal of 10,000 American troops from Afghanistan this year, and another 20,000 troops, the remainder of the 2009 “surge,” by the end of next summer, according to administration officials and diplomats briefed on the decision. These troop reductions are both deeper and faster than the recommendations made by Mr. Obama’s military commanders, and they reflect mounting political and economic pressures at home, as the president faces relentless budget pressures and an increasingly restive Congress and American public. Mr. Obama’s decision is a victory for Vice […]

THE WITCHITA LINEMAN’S LONG GOODBYE: Glen Campbell Announces Farewell Album And Tour

Surfdog Records has announced the upcoming release of Ghost On The Canvas, the remarkable new album from the legendary Glen Campbell. The album – which marks the iconic singer/guitarist/songwriter’s final studio recording – arrives everywhere on August 30th. Ghost On The Canvas sees Campbell capping his brilliant career with one of his most moving and energized works to date, a powerfully emotional song cycle that sees him accompanied by a truly dazzling line-up of songwriters and musicians. Among the tunesmiths contributing original songs to the collection are such modern luminaries as Paul Westerberg, Jakob Dylan, Robert Pollard, and Teddy Thompson, […]