STICK A FORK IN IT, HE’S DONE: Herman Cain Is F*cked, Just Not In The Way He Was Hoping For

Cain_Grope_Poster.jpgWASHINGTON POST: Sharon Bialek, a Chicago woman who worked at the National Restaurant Association in the late 1990s has come forward to say that Herman Cain sexually harassed her while she was looking for a job. In graphic detail, Bialek described an encounter with Cain that happened in July of 1997 in Washington D.C. that left the woman shaken and embarrassed. After being let go by the NRA foundation, Bialek, who had met Cain on several occasions during conferences and at a dinner, reached out to Cain to obtain guidance on getting a new job.?Former Godfather’s Pizza chief executive Herman Cain is seeking the GOP presidential nomination. During their meeting, Bialek alleges that Cain put his hand under her skirt and reached for her genitals and also pushed her head toward his crotch while they were in a car. She recalls saying: “This isn’t what I came here for, Mr. Cain.” The now-GOP presidential candidate responded, according to Bialek, “You want a job, right?” Immediately following the incident, Bialek, who is a registered Republican, homemaker, and single mom, said that she told her then-boyfriend and another person, according to her lawyer, Gloria Allred. Allred presented the two sworn statements of the people Bialek told at the news conference. Speaking at a news conference in New York, Bialek said that she spoke out in order “to give a face and a voice to those other women” who chose not to, referring to two women who filed complaints against Cain, but have thus far remained anonymous. “I want you, Mr. Cain, to come clean,” Bialek said. “I implore you, make this right.” MORE

RELATED: Statement Of Sharon Bialek

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