Yes Men Launch Phony ‘Coal Cares’ Social Media Campaign For Kids, Offering ‘My Little Pony’ Inhalers


POYNTER: On Tuesday, the largest private coal company in the world, Peabody Energy, launched a campaign to provide free My Little Pony and Justin Bieber-themed “Puff-Puff” inhalers to kids 18 and under. As part of this humanitarian campaign, Peabody pledged to donate $500 towards a lung-replacement procedure for every 1,000 inhalers ordered through the “Coal Cares” initiative. Peabody, which launched a “Coal Cares” website to advertise the campaign, hoped to tackle the stigma associated with asthma by giving away a variety of colorful and hip inhalers to dignify the use of asthma medication. “For kids who have no choice but to use an inhaler,” the website reads, “Coal Cares lets them inhale with pride.” Above all, the empathetic hearts behind the “Coal Cares” initiative are seeking to make what they have deemed “Asthma-Related Bullying (ARB)” a thing of the past. “Coal Cares,” of course, is a hoax. The prank, carried out by a newly formed group called “Coal Kills Kids,” was conceived and executed at the Yes Lab, an activist training center associated with the famous Yes Men. MORE

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