Philly Man Ends Knife-Wielding Maniac’s Crime Spree

[Photo viaNEW YORK POST]

CNN: Authorities said Saturday that Gelman allegedly stabbed three people to death, hit and killed a man with a car, slashed at least five other people and carjacked two vehicles before he was wrestled to the ground early Saturday while attempting to break into the cab of a subway car. Gelman, 23, who is unemployed and known to authorities mostly as a graffiti artist, was arrested about 9 a.m. Saturday, about 28 hours after he allegedly began the spree spanning three New York boroughs, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said. “It’s so horrendous and bizarre,” Kelly told reporters Saturday. “We have no reason that we can give you as to why he did this.” MORE

DAILY NEWS: Joseph Lozito, 40, who reportedly commutes by train to work as a ticket-taker at Lincoln Center, was stabbed in the head as he fought off the suspect – a 23-year-old Brooklyn man now accused of four brutal slayings in little more than a day. “He’s 2 or 3 feet away from me, and he pulls this knife out, looks me in the eye and says, ‘You’re gonna die,’ ” Lozito told the New York Post in a news conference from his Manhattan hospital bed. The brawl between the Philadelphian and the alleged killer – which played out like a scene in a Hollywood movie – ended a bizarre 28-hour spree of murder and mayhem that terrified citizens of the nation’s largest city. MORE

RELATED: Lozito, who stands 6 feet 2 and weighs more than 260 pounds, said that he decided to go down fighting. He told the New York Daily News that he tackled Gelman and was trying to grab his wrist as he sliced at his arm and face.” ‘You better hope that I die because I’m going to come kill you!’ ” Lozito said he told the slasher. He told the New York tabloid that he took Gelman down with a leg sweep that he’d seen watching mixed martial arts on TV, but then the suspect pulled out an 8-inch chef’s knife and began slashing. MORE

RELATED: Yesterday, an angry crowd verbally abused Gelman as he was walked to his arraignment from the 61st Precinct station house. “Rot in hell!” someone shouted. MORE

RELATED: Timeline Of Gelman’s 28-Hour Crime Spree

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