WORTH REPEATING: With Friends Like This…


WASHINGTON POST: For Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder and guiding spirit, it must have been sweet. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to smooth over the embarrassment, while the White House huffed that a criminal investigation was underway. The French government was decrying “the height of irresponsibility,” and Pakistan was reckoning with a rebuke from its traditional patron, Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the pasty-faced Assange, a self-appointed knight-errant who has been doing battle with official secrecy since 2006, was in the shadows somewhere – few knew where – undoubtedly savoring the ruckus caused by WikiLeaks’ exposure of confidential State Department cables. In an uncomfortable irony, http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5041/5217634178_1e329f5064_m.jpghowever, he had to do the savoring in a secret location, because Interpol, the international anti-crime organization, has issued a high-priority “red notice” asking member countries to arrest him. MORE

MSNBC: Assange remained a fugitive Thursday, shadowed by the Europe-wide arrest warrant. A German security official, speaking on condition of
anonymity Wednesday because no authorization was given to discuss the legal steps, confirmed that a warrant for Assange had been issued in that country. British authorities know his whereabouts but have refrained from acting on a European warrant for his arrest, British newspapers reported on Thursday.  The 39-year-old Australian supplied U.K. police with contact details upon his arrival in October, The Independent and The Times reported. The Times also reported that Assange, who was believed to be in southeast England, had escaped the arrest warrant because Swedish authorities had filled out the arrest warrant incorrectly. MORE

THE INDEPENDENT: Britain’s Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) has received the so-called “red notice” – an international arrest warrant – but has so far refused to authorise the arrest of Mr Assange, who is thought to be in South-east England. Until it does, police forces cannot act. The delay is said to be a technical one, with sources suggesting Soca needed clarifications about the European Arrest Warrant issued by Swedish prosecutors for Mr Assange, a fast-track system for arresting suspects within the EU. His name was added to Interpol’s worldwide wanted list on 20 November, but only publicly revealed on Tuesday night. It has focused even greater attention on the man who has been lying low since releasing 250,000 mostly classified cables from US embassies across the globe. MORE

UPDATE: Sweden’s Supreme Court today upheld an arrest order for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on allegations of sexual assault, a move that will further pressure police in the U.K. to detain the elusive Australian hacker in the country where he is known to be hiding. MORE

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