Why Sarah Palin’s North Korea Flub Matters


MITCHELL BARD: Sarah Palin provided prime material for news outlets and comedy programs when she said on Glenn Beck’s radio show Wednesday: “But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies.” […] The real story, though, isn’t that Palin said “North” instead of “South.” Let’s be honest: Vice President Joe Biden could have just as easily blown a line like that. No, the real story is that Palin was discussing a complex, precarious, highly dangerous issue as if she were an expert, even though she clearly isn’t. Does anyone outside of Palin’s relatively small group of smitten followers honestly believe that she is competent to act as an expert on Korean policy? That she knows the intricacies and risks of engaging with the North Koreans? That she understands the possible leadership struggle going on there? Do you think she has the first clue about the history of Korea over the last century? Do you think she’s ever heard of Syngman Rhee, the Bodo League massacre, the Battle of Inchon, or National Security Council Report 68, or that she knows about the decades of Japanese rule in Korea? Do you think she’s ever read about the role the propaganda efforts of the post-Stalin Soviet government played in the eventual armistice that ended the fighting? Doubtful, at best. Now, do you doubt for a second that Joe Biden could reel off a dissertation-level analysis of these issues from the top of his head? MORE

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