THE GAGA REPORT: About Last Night


[Artwork by BEN HEINE]

DAN DELUCA: At the Wells Fargo Center, Gaga costumed herself as a nun in a see-through dress in “Love Game.” She was outfitted to appear like a cross between a lampshade and Cousin It in “Monster.” She writhed around on the ground covered in fake blood and screamed “Jesus loves everbody!” She stripped down to her skivvies on multiple occasions, including the gay pride celebration “Boys Boys Boys,” in which she marched down the runway accompanied by a phalanx of similarly scantily clad male dancers.  On “You and I,” a power ballad from her forthcoming album Born This Way, she contorted herself to tickle the ivories quite impressively while standing atop her piano bench, if you can picture that. […] As mega-pop stars go, Gaga stands out because she’s savvy enough to understand the appeal of imperfection. Sure, her show is a sexed up over-orchestrated Busy Berkeley bonanza for the no-attention span times. Isn’t everybody’s? And like so many too crammed with titillation extravaganzas, it’s poorly paced, dull in stretches and filled with too many pre-recorded film bits designed to make time for multiple costume and set changes. MORE

PREVIOUSLY: How Lady Went Gaga

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