HEIL HANNITY: Fox News Pitbull Tied To Neo-Nazis

HUFFINGTON POST: The folks over at NewsHounds have been watching their Fox News Channel quarry dither over Senator Barack Obama’s associations with pastor Jeremiah Wright, and noted Fox’s own Sean Hannity getting himself tripped up in the guilt-by-association tango. Seems that one of Hannity’s close chums is a neo-Nazi named Hal Turner who used to be a radio host, is apparently the top man in Bergen, NJ white-supremacist circles, and probably spends a lot of his time in his basement with Star Wars action figures acting out Holocaust-denier versions of The Return of the Jedi. In short, just the sort […]

WORTH REPEATING: Iraq On $5,000 A Second

NICHOLAS KRISTOF: The improvement is real but fragile and limited. Here’s what it amounts to: We’ve cut our casualty rates to the unacceptable levels that plagued us back in 2005, and we still don’t have any exit plan for years to come — all for a bill that is accumulating at the rate of almost $5,000 every second! Granted, the cost estimates are squishy and controversial, partly because the $12.5 billion a month that we’re now paying for Iraq is only a down payment. We’ll still be making disability payments to Iraq war veterans 50 years from now. Professor Stiglitz […]

DIGITAL DIVIDE: Municipal Wireless A Bridge Too Far

NEW YORK TIMES: It was hailed as Internet for the masses when Philadelphia officials announced plans in 2005 to erect the largest municipal Wi-Fi grid in the country, stretching wireless access over 135 square miles with the hope of bringing free or low-cost service to all residents, especially the poor. Municipal officials in Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and 10 other major cities, as well as dozens of smaller towns, quickly said they would match Philadelphia’s plans. But the excited momentum has sputtered to a standstill, tripped up by unrealistic ambitions and technological glitches. The conclusion that such ventures would not […]

NPR 4 THE DEF: Giving Public Radio Edge Since 2006

FRESH AIR w/ TERRY GROSS Today, as Christians around the world commemorate Good Friday, Christian scholar and former priest John Dominic Crossan joins Fresh Air to discuss the historical Jesus, the role of crucifixion in antiquity, and the beginnings of Christianity. Crossan is professor emeritus of biblical studies at DePaul University in Chicago and a founding member of the Jesus Seminar, a group of scholars who meet to determine the authenticity of Jesus’ sayings in the Gospels. He is also the author of more than 18 books on Christianity, including the national bestsellers Who Killed Jesus? and The Birth of […]

DAN GROSS: Wake Up White People!

This ran on PhillyGossip yesterday: We thought we heard this, but we wanted to go back and listen to the clip of Sen. Barack Obama on 610 WIP this morning to be sure. 610 WIP host Angelo Cataldi asked Obama about his Tuesday morning speech on race at the National Constitution Center in which he referenced his own white grandmother and her prejudice. Obama told Cataldi that “The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know […]

EARLY WORD: Holy Ghost Stories

He’s been a puppet, a poet, a pirate, a pawn and king. He’s been up and down and over and out — and he still really likes the LSD thing. He’s Brother JT and he’s come to tell us all that the emperor has no clothes, the sky is falling, God is dead and, most important, God is great. He’s also leading the protest movement against the war going on in this country about looking good. Musically, expect the sorta cerebellum-tickling, zap-your-head psychedelic sturm und drang the good Brother has been cranking out for well-nigh on a decade. Some nudity […]

FREE TIBET: An Open Letter To Hu Jintao

[Illustration by ALEX FINE] Here’s the deal: We have it on good authority that just one or two more signatures (one million so far!) on this petition will totally push this thing over, China will free Tibet and everyone will live happily ever after! But, no pressure. It’s up to you. After decades of repression, Tibetans are crying out to the world for change. China’s leaders are right now making a crucial choice between escalating brutality or dialogue that could determine the future of Tibet, and China. We can affect this historic choice — China does care about its international […]

RAT FUCKING: State Department Fires Two For Unauthorized Snooping On Obama’s Passport File

MSNBC: Two contract employees of the State Department were fired and a third person was disciplined for inappropriately looking at Democratic Sen. Barack Obama’s passport file. Spokesman Sean McCormack Thursday night confirmed instances of what he called “imprudent curiosity” by the State Department employees. McCormack said the department itself detected the breaches, which occurred which occurred separately on Jan. 9, Feb. 21 and March 14. The three people who had access to Obama’s passport records were contract employees of the department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, NBC News reported. A senior official told NBC News there was “no political motivation” to […]