HELLEVATOR: Man Trapped For 41 Hours

GAWKER: In 1999, BusinessWeek production manager Nicholas White went outside to smoke a cigarette and, upon returning, got stuck in an elevator. For 41 hours. The story of his ordeal is woven through Nick Paumgarten’s new New Yorker feature about elevators. There is (sped-up) security camera footage of him the entire time. It’s mesmerizing, because you can imagine him slowly going insane, which is exactly what’s happening. NEW YORKER: White never went back to work at the magazine. Caught up in media attention (which he shunned but thrilled to), prodded by friends, and perhaps provoked by overly solicitous overtures from […]

KILLADELPHIA: 7 Dead Since U Went To Bed

INQUIRER: Philadelphia police are investigating the deaths of six men killed between Saturday morning and last night, all victims of violence. Police have no suspects in custody in a crime spree that Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey had two words for yesterday: “not good.” The job today, Ramsey said, will be to look at “anything that we can do to maybe make the situation less likely” to recur. Among factors that will be explored, he said, is whether the killings occurred in any of the city’s designated high-crime areas and, if so, whether enough officers are assigned there. In the […]

HEAR YE: Love Forever Changes

ROCK SNOB ENCYLOPEDIA: Baroque, psych-rock opus by the band Love; a Technicolor shapshot of L.A. circa 1967, a time and place awash in orange-sky sunshine and dark shadows. From 1965 to 1966, Love ruled the Sunset Strip, with enough record industry pull to get the Doors a record deal. They started the hipster Burt Bacharach appreciation society 30 years before Elvis Costello and Austin Powers via their gnarly, garage-stomp cover of “My Little Red Book.” Led by Arthur Lee–a charismatic frontman, gifted composer and hippie fashion plate who would later claim that Jimi Hendrix stole his look–Love recorded two albums, […]

ASSHAT OF THE WEEK: George Stephanopoulos

Why? If you have to ask, you’ll never know, but suffice it to say THIS and also this… TOP 10 QUESTIONS STEPHANOPOULOS DID NOT ASK JOHN MCCAIN THIS MORNING 1. Do you agree with Pastor John Hagee that war with Iran is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? In February, you shared a stage with Pastor John Hagee and said you were “very proud” to have his endorsement. You also called the Reverend Rod Parsley, a man who said of Islam “America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed”, your “spiritual guide.” Do you believe […]

CHARM OFFENSIVE: The Empire Strikes Back

INQUIRER: Under siege for customer-service woes detailed on Comcastmustdie.com and other blogs, the Philadelphia cable giant has gone on the offensive, trawling the Internet for Comcast chatter. Eliason’s assignment is very specific: If someone has a Comcast problem and is talking about it online, he contacts that person and offers help. If Eliason thinks it’s an emergency that could spiral into unpleasantness, like an expletive-loaded blog bomb, he gets on the phone and cuts through the corporate red tape. Eliason’s blog spotting is part public relations and part acknowledgment that the Internet is playing a broader role in defining company […]


1. For the first time since 1967, Lou has finally gotten his hair ‘right.’ 2. He’s got the face of a broke-in catcher’s mitt and the arms of an Olympic javelin thrower. 3. For the first time since New York, Lou has finally gotten his sound right. Three guitars, an accordion, upright bass, a guy on laptop, a drummer with mallets and Laurie Anderson on occasional violin. 4. Only Lou Reed would play “Sweet Jane” as the SECOND song of the night. And then “I’m Set Free” as the fourth, and then “I’m Sticking With You”, introduced with faux-exasperation that […]

THE SILLY SEASON: Chelsea ‘Queer For A Year’ In The Gayborhood; Stealing Hope To Buy Dope In Allentown

MSNBC: Chelsea Clinton stopped traffic Friday night as she wandered the streets of Philadelphia on a gay bar crawl, winning rave reviews for both her politics and her appearance. Led around the neighborhood by Gov. Ed Rendell, Chelsea was mobbed by local gays and lesbians, as she walked from one club to the next. They ran up to hug her, posed for pictures and certainly invaded her personal space. “I grabbed her ass,” one young woman exclaimed to her friends after snapping a picture with her arm around the former first daughter. “Chelsea, the gays love you!” one fan exclaimed, […]

CONFESSIONAL: Pope Regrets Misspent Hitler Youth

BBC: Speaking at a youth rally in New York, he said his teenage years had been “marred by a sinister regime”. The Pope was a Hitler Youth member as a teen, usual for young Germans at the time, and was conscripted by the German army near the end of World War II. As a teenager, the pope was forced to join the Hitler Youth and he was conscripted into the German army towards the end of World War II, serving briefly in an anti-aircraft corps. He deserted the German army towards the end of the war and was briefly held […]

DRUG TEST: The Khat Is Outta The Bag

BY JEFF DEENEY Lord knows Christine Olley at the Daily News has taken enough abuse from the cops on Domelights to last a lifetime (her gaffe at the press conference called in the wake of officer Chuck Cassidy’s death spurred a backlash of legendary proportions), so I hate to pile on an otherwise decent reporter, especially for such a brief piece, but today’s story on a recent seizure of the drug Khat deserves a callout. Olley manages in all of 187 words to score a hat trick in the drug hysteria department by comparing the drug, likened by other reporters […]

JUNK SCIENCE: The Dark Side Of The Soy

BY ELIZABETH FIEND LIVING EDITOR Tempeh (pronounced TEM pay) is a ‘cake’ of halved soybeans bonded together with mold. Mold you say? Yes, mold — sweet, delicious mold. Tempeh is totally different than tofu. I mean, like totally different — in taste, texture, manufacturing process, even having different nutritional attributes. Some people call tempeh the ‘dark meat’ to tofu’s light. Tempeh could be the original veggie burger with its firm, nougat-like texture, nutty, mushroom, yeasty, bean flavor. It really is nothing at all like tofu – except they’re both made of soybeans and I love them both. Most soy foods […]