PENNSYLTUCKY: Hope + Heavy Metal Thunder

obambuyamerican_1.jpgPhiladelphia, PA – Harleys for Obama will be revving their engines across the state of Pennsylvania this weekend. Harley-Davidson enthusiasts will saddle up their bikes and head to events in Wilkes-Barre, York, Pittsburgh, and Johnstown. They will speak out about John McCain’s “philosophical” opposition to all Buy American provisions that help our manufacturers – including a requirement that the Secret Service use American-made motorcycles.

Barack Obama knows that the finest motorcycles in the world are manufactured right here in America, including in York, Pennsylvania. Obama supports the men and women of Harley-Davidson, one of the flagship companies of American manufacturing. He believes that insisting on the American-made motorcycles – especially when American tax dollars are involved — is just common sense.

In events around the state, Harley enthusiasts will distribute literature, debut new “Buy American-Vote Obama” campaign paraphernalia, and launch a new website – They will also announce an expanded campaign of radio ads around the state calling attention to the issue.

“John McCain should be ashamed of himself, not just for voting against protecting an American company like Harley-Davidson, but then for going in front of a group of motorcyclists in Sturgis and pretending to be one of them,” said Rick Gray, Mayor of Lancaster, just a few miles from the Harley plant in York. Gray is a Harley-Davidson owner, motorcycle enthusiast and past Chair of the Board of the American Motorcyclist Association.

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