BURMA: 22,000 Dead, 41,000 Missing After Cyclone

monksburma_1.jpgTHE AGE: About 30,000 people are missing in Burma after this weekend’s devastating cyclone, in addition to a death toll of 15,000, Thai Foreign Minister Noppadol Pattama said after a meeting with Burma’s ambassador to Bangkok. Countries worldwide have promised help to the impoverished nation after the weekend cyclone killed 10,000 people in just one town. “This is much more awful and its scale much greater than what we first understood,” he said. Reports on Myanmar television reported the death toll in the town of Bogalay was at least 10,000 with 3000 listed as missing. The World Vision team have taken food, tents and water purifiers to the stricken area where people were queueing up to share bottled water. “It is a matter of making sure there isn’t a worse water-borne epidemic that kills as many or more than the cyclone,” Reverend Costello said. MORE

NEW YORK TIMES: Disaster Photos

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