NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

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That guilty feeling after a big meal might be about more than calories and cholesterol. New Yorker science and technology writer Michael Specter joins Fresh Air to explain how carbon emissions released during food production are having an impact on the environment. Calculating carbon output is a complex, if not counterintuitive, process, Specter says.

In the February 25 issue, he writes about the difficulties of measuring carbon footprints in an article titled “Big Foot: In Measuring Carbon Emissions, it’s Easy to Confuse Morality and Science.” Specter was formerly The New York Times‘ Moscow bureau co-chief, and before that the national science reporter for The Washington Post. PLUS, Repression in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, journalist Edward Lucas writes, is matched by a new aggression abroad. It amounts to what Lucas calls “a new Cold War” that’s being fought with cash, natural resources, diplomacy and propaganda — but, he says, the West is unwilling to admit what’s happening. Lucas has reported on Eastern Europe for The Economist for more than 20 years. His book is The New Cold War: Putin’s Russia and the Threat to the West.


Hour 1
Marty talks with ERIC FAIR about his service in Iraq and his perspective on torture. Fair served as an ArabicHIV1.jpg linguist in the U.S, army from 1995 to 2000. From Dec 2003 to May 2004 he was a contract interrogator at Abu Ghraib, Fallujah and Baghdad. He has written about his experiences for the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Allentown Morning Call. He is now a first year student at the Princeton Theological Seminary. Listen to this show via Real Audio | mp3

Hour 2
One out of every eight persons is South Africa is HIV [pictured, right] positive. Despite the increasing availability of antiretroviral treatment programs for HIV and AIDS, there still remains resistance to testing and treatment. That’s the subject of a new book, “Sizwe’s Test: One Man’s Journey Through Africa’s AIDS Epidemic” by South African journalist Jonny Steinberg. Listen to this show via Real Audio | mp3


Thursday February 21, 2008listen.jpg
daviddyenpr.jpgWorld Café host David Dye puts former Soul Coughing frontman, Mike Doughty, on the spot. He began the tour for his album Golden Delicious with what he called “The Question Jar Show”; he played requests from the audience and answered any question fans wrote down and put in a jar. Keeping with the format, David now has a few questions of his own. Also an active blogger and journalist, much of Doughty’s work showcases his narrative skill, and on this new record, the pop standout “27 Jennifers” is both a lyrical and hooky treat.

SOUL COUGHING: Soundtrack To Mary

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