HIZZONER ’07: Inquirer Endorsement Butters Nutter

In an editorial appearing tomorrow, The Philadelphia Inquirer will endorse former City Councilman Michael Nutter in the May 15 Democratic primary race. The newspaper’s editorial calls Nutter “the most promising package of achievement, persistence, smarts and vision.” The endorsement said Nutter, 49, “is easy to imagine on the national stage as the fresh voice of a resurgent Philadelphia, changing the narrative from one about bloodshed, corruption and dysfunction to one about new ideas, new energy, new partnerships.” INQUIRER: The editorial board said three other candidates “don’t measure up.” It dismissed the candidacies of Reps. Bob Brady and Chaka Fattah. It […]

WHEN THE ELEPHANTS CAME TO TOWN: Dick Armey Jokes And Grand Old Partying With Jack Valenti

BY TOM TOMORROW At the Republican convention in Philadelphia in 2000 I hung out with Dave Barry and his cartoonist posse (Mike Luckovich, Walt Handlesman, Chip Bok, and Rob Rogers). The thing about hanging out with Dave Barry is that he’s (a) famous and (b) innately likeable, and as a result you end up in some really odd situations. For instance: we were sitting in a hotel bar when we were introduced to Jack Valenti, who invited us to a party he was co-hosting with Mark Foley (yes, that Mark Foley). When we got there, we had some trouble getting […]

LIVE: Jon Stewart Makes A ‘Stand’ At The Tower

BY AMY Z. QUINN Somewhere, Kevin Spacey is smiling. And I need to do someone a big favor — stat. See, while Team Phawker waited in the will-call line at the Tower Theater to pick up our tickets for the Jon Stewart show Friday night, a friendly couple approached — desperate to give away an extra pair of tix. A quick glance at the freebies showed they were probably pretty good, so we took them with the couple’s admonishment to “Pay it forward.” As it turned out, the seats were front row — several rows closer, even, than where the […]

HIZZONER ’07: Brady’s Shark Attacked; Keel Cuts Fish Open To Reveal Union Goon In The Belly Of The Beast

BY DAVE DAVIES OF THE DAILY NEWS An Appearance by Tommy the Loan Shark, the heckling mascot who dogs mayoral candidate Tom Knox, got ugly yesterday when publicist Frank Keel broke into Tommy’s news conference and insisted that rival Bob Brady was funding the fish and his sidekick, Jim Nixon. How did Keel claim to know Brady was behind the Shark attacks on Knox’s history with high-interest payday lending? “I know the truth, because they approached me first and foremost to run this shadow operation,” Keel said. “I find this disgusting, deplorable.” Keel told reporters that on Feb. 9, Brady […]

COPYCAT: Email Threats Shut Down Delco College

A credible e-mail threat to the two Delaware County Community College campuses in Chester County has prompted school officials to shut down the remaining three locations at least until Monday. About a dozen e-mails were received about 12:30 p.m. Thursday at the Exton and Downingtown campuses threatening “violence against numerous persons,” Sgt. Martin Malloy of the West Whiteland police said yesterday.

Saving Private Lynch

This is pretty fascinating — not just for the rescue but for how completely and, given the circumstances, cinematically it was documented. Where Psy-Ops ends and P.R. begins, or vice versa. Either way, she was just a broken pawn in a shady game. And lucky for her, all the king’s horsemen and all the king’s men could put Private Lynch back together again.

HOT DOCUMENT: Tossing Bricks In A Glass House

NOTE: The following post was brought to you by the swell folks at…* As expected, the Inquirer is experiencing some blowback from its decision to let Citizens Bank sponsor the the front page of the business section. Some of that blowback is coming from within: From: Lavin, Carl [Inquirer Deputy Managing Editor For News] Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 1:57 PM To: Inquirer Subject: Newsroom ethics To the staff A version of this is on the Romenesko blog, but I wanted to be sure you have a copy. Please note that all the examples cited here are very recent. There […]