LAWNCARE GATE: Romney Shitcans Mexican Mowers

romneyglove.jpgNEW YORK TIMES: Mitt Romney, who has relentlessly wielded the issue of illegal immigration against his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in the past few months, is facing an embarrassing new revelation that the landscaping company at his home in Massachusetts was found for a second time to be employing illegal immigrants.Mr. Romney announced yesterday that he had fired the company, Community Lawn Service of Chelsea, Mass. The announcement came just before The Boston Globe published on its Web site the results of an inquiry it had been conducting over the last two months on the firm.

The Globe had revealed a year ago in the waning days of Mr. Romney’s governorship of Massachusetts that the company, which Mr. Romney employed at his home in Belmont, Mass., for more than a decade, was using illegal Guatemalan immigrants.

The episode was highlighted in last week’s Republican debate, when Rudolph W. Giulianiimmigration.jpg scornfully responded to Mr. Romney’s accusation that he had presided over a so-called sanctuary city for illegal immigrants while mayor of New York by saying Mr. Romney had a “sanctuary mansion.”

Last Thursday, the day after the debate, The Globe interviewed two of the three workers from the company who were working on Mr. Romney’s lawn. Both admitted they were illegal immigrants from Guatemala. One of them said the third worker was also in the country illegally. MORE

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