SUDS: Supreme Court Re-Considers Six-Pack Sales

beerhelpuglypeephavesex.jpgINQUIRER: The state Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether Pennsylvanians will be able to walk into their local grocery or corner store and pick up a six-pack of beer along with toilet paper and a carton of milk. The case grew out of a central Pennsylvania chain’s long-running attempt to capitalize on the state’s arcane liquor laws and sell six-packs at one of its convenience stores. A victory for Sheetz Inc. could produce new profits for such chains and supermarkets. It could also mean major competition for the hundreds of traditional beer distributors. They worry that customers will stop buying the cases they sell and start buying six-packs elsewhere. “It’s the nail in the coffin,” said Chris Fetfatzes, part of the family that owns Bella Vista Beer Distributors at 11th and Fitzwater Streets. “This is our passion. This is our blood, our source of income.” [Yeah, but you close at 8 PM on a Saturday night. –The Ed.]

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