DEAD MAN TALKING: Johnny Doc Is Not Afraid

In addition, Dougherty already was on the outs with many leaders of the city Democratic machine because of a feud with the party chairman, U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, that resulted in his ouster last year as party treasurer.Dougherty is “a dead man walking,” one top Democratic elected official said. “He’s created so many enemies, so much animosity.”

Still, it is a measure of the respect and fear that Dougherty inspires that the above official – and many others interviewed for this story – did not want to be quoted by name.

One reason is that, despite his political losses of late, Dougherty retains his base as head of Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, one of the most politically active of the city’s unions, with 4,000 members and millions of dollars in campaign funds.

Dougherty, 46, has become a confidant of mayors, governors and national Democrats because he is a dispenser of electoral help and cash.

He is also known for in-your-face politics, with Local 98 members swarming events, and watching the polls on election day on behalf of Dougherty’s favored candidates. Dougherty also has been repeatedly accused of being the source of anonymous attack fliers.

On Mother’s Day, a flier was distributed at Catholic churches that said Knox was the only “good Catholic” in the race. It claimed that Brady did not attend Mass regularly and that Nutter, who was raised Catholic, had switched religions out of political expediency. Nutter was furious, blaming Knox, whom he called a “scumbag.” But Knox denounced the flier, and many politicos believed Dougherty was behind it.

INQUIRER: The Shame Of The City Is Shamelessness

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