March 14, 2007
To: The staff
From: Bill Marimow [Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer]I wanted to give you advance notice of an upcoming event in my life. Beginning tomorrow, I’ll be out of the office for several weeks
because I’m having surgery for prostate cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The operation is being done by Dr. Patrick Walsh, the surgeon who pioneered the nerve-sparing prostate surgery. Based on the reading I’ve done, the prospects for full recovery are very good. Based on the experience of other colleagues who have had this surgery, I’m estimating that I’ll be out of action for two-to-three weeks after the operation, which is scheduled for next Tuesday, March 20. Ironically, I have no discernible symptoms at all, and I feel in excellent health. While I’m gone, Anne Gordon will be overseeing the newsroom, so you’ll be in very capable hands. While I’m recovering, I’ll be at home in Washington, faithfully reading your work.