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- Inky/DN Strike Averted For 30 Days: “The contracts, which were due to expire at midnight Wednesday, will now be extended through Nov. 30, according to Philadelphia Media Holdings, owner of Philadelphia Newspapers LLC. Owners and members of the newspapers’ Council of Unions agreed to the extension Tuesday morning. On Tuesday afternoon, terms were reached with the largest union, the Newspaper Guild of Greater Philadelphia, to also go along with the 30-day extension.” [Philadelphia Business Journal]

- Feds Net 35 In Mission Impossible-Style Chiropractor/Slip N’ Fall Sting: “Officials said those charged were divided into three groups: the lawyer, Jordan B. Luber, who obtained a legal settlement on behalf of two FBI agents posing as injured patients from a vehicular accident; 31 “patients” who sought financial recovery based on false medical diagnoses and nonexistent medical treatment for supposed injuries from vehicle accidents; and “runners” who received referral fees from Injury Associates for recruiting “patients” to the clinic while knowing the clinic was a fraudulent operation.” [Inquirer]
- Eagles ‘Flying Like Beagles’: “Why on God’s green and concrete earth would you throw the ball 34 times in 60 mph winds? I know that I’m just another Monday morning quarterback who points out the obvious mistakes after the game. But please, if a shmuck like me can recognize that throwing the ball in horribly adverse conditions isn’t working and that running the ball is the only way to victory. You figure an NFL head coach would get it.” [Seahawks Huddle]
- Bishop Bennison Responds To Inky Abuse Story: “In various settings where I have met with some of you over the past several months, I have shared parts of the painful story of my brother John’s sexual misconduct while on the staff of St. Mark’s, in Upland, California, when I was its rector. With the publication of the story in yesterday’s Philadelphia Inquirer, and aware of the serious impact the story can have on your ministries, I owe all of you a further clarification.” [Virtue Online]
- Wall St. Journal Still Talking Smack About Sixth Borough: “In her Oct. 20 essay “A Tale of Several Cities,” Julia Vitullo-Martin is so anxious to recycle Digby Baltzell’s 25-year-old thesis about “Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia” that she trashes Philadelphia in a way that bears no resemblance to reality (Taste page, Weekend Journal). She writes that “Downtown Philadelphia seems to be a bleak postindustrial landscape” with “the few good buildings that are still standing routinely visited by street people begging at their entrances.” I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that her zeal for literary license, combined with her ignorance of Philadelphia, made that colorful language …” [WSJ]