Philly Post Declares Brit Model/Bradley Cooper Crush Suki Waterhouse The New ‘Queen Of Philadelphia’


We have no objections, your honor.

PHILLY POST: Cooper, a recent Oscar nominee, A-Lister, and all-around pretty boy, is the closest thing Philadelphia has to celebrity royalty at the moment. (Will Smith being kind of the Benedict-style semi-retired King of Philly Celebrities; or maybe Smith is the West Philly version of the Dowager Countesson Downton Abbey—still sharp, still funny, still not to be trifled with, but letting others have their turn at the helm. It’s possible to overthink that.) Which means that Cooper’s eventual soulmate could very well end up being … the Queen of Philly. MORE

RELATED: Bradley Cooper’s performance in Silver Linings Playbook made me cry, but please don’t tell anyone, I enjoy the privileges my Man Card affords me.