WIKI: The Survivor’s Guide To Japan


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RELATED: As the crisis at the power plant entered its sixth night, the situation appeared to be deteriorating. One sign was that the Japanese government increased the maximum radiation dose that workers could be exposed to from 100 millisieverts to 250 millisieverts, describing the move as “unavoidable due to the circumstances.” The workers are all wearing full protective gear and working only in short shifts, but they are still believed to be exposed to significant doses of radiation. All of the workers were pulled out of the plant for nearly an hour Wednesday when radiation levels spiked, but pumps continued to inject seawater into the reactors in their absence, according to Japan_Evac.gifTokyo Electric Power Co, which owns the plant. The workers returned as soon as the radiation levels had subsided. MORE

JAKE TAPPER: WH won’t acknowledge it, but US is stating: those who listen only to the advice of the Japanese govt are at greater risk of life/health. [via TWITTER]

RELATED: Tracking The Latest Developments At Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

RELATED: The Japanese nuclear power plant crisis is triggering jitters about radioactive fallout hitting the United States, even though experts say that is highly unlikely. Fearful residents have flooded health officials in western states such as California, Washington and Oregon with anxious questions, and some authorities have begun issuing updates about air monitoring for radiation. “We opened a hotline and have fielded hundreds of calls from the worried public,” said Michael Sicilio of the California Department of Public Health. The two U.S. companies that make potassium iodide, which can reduce the risk of thyroid cancer from exposure to iodine-131, are being overwhelmed by demands for the medication from individuals, pharmacies, hospitals, day-care centers and others. “People are terrified,” said Alan Morris, president of Anbex Inc., of Williamsburg, Va. “We’re getting calls from people who are crying and saying things like, ‘Please. Can’t you help me? Can’t you send me anything?’ ” MORE

RELATED: The Environmental Protection Agency is deploying some of the 40 additional deployable radiation air monitors to Pacific US states and territories that will allow the agency to gather more data and monitor any radiation coming from Japan. MORE

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