
For a few hours, anyway. More Restore Sanity rally signs HERE.

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: CBS News reports Stewart’s event drew 215,000 people to the National Mall in Washington, based on a crowd estimate from AirPhotosLive.com. The same company, which examines aerial photos of crowds to gauge attendance, estimated between 78,000 and 96,000 people attended Beck’s rally in August. That estimate of Beck’s crowd proved very controversial, as various sources reported wildly different numbers. A Comedy Central representative told Entertainment Weekly that 250,000 people attended in person, while 4 million streamed the event on their computers at home. Prior to the rallies, the network submitted an event permit which estimated that 60,000 people would attend, but it seems the crowd well exceeded expectations. MORE

RELATED:  Metro has announced preliminary ridership numbers for yesterday’s rally insanity, and they were through the roof.  825,437 Metrorail trips were taken yesterday by first count, eclipsing the record from the 1991 Desert Storm rally, which drew 786,358 trips. MORE

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