EXPLAINER: The Idiot’s Guide To Obamacare


ASSOCIATED PRESS: It took lawmakers a year to shape President Barack Obama’s health care bill. If it finally passes Congress, it’ll take the better part of a decade to write the user manual for consumers and doctors, employers and insurance companies. Some health insurance consumer protections would go into place immediately, significant but limited in scope. The big expansion in coverage comes about four years from now, allowing more than 30 million people to sign up for insurance, with financial help from the government for most. Ripple effects continue well after Obama has to leave office in 2017, assuming he’s re-elected. But even if the 2,700-plus-page bill passes, it’s only the end of the beginning. The Obama blueprint will be carried out under less-than-ideal circumstances. Rising medical costs and an aging population will keep squeezing the federal budget. Lawmakers will have to revisit hard choices they sidestepped. MORE

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