HOT DOCUMENT: Rick Santorum Robo-Slimes McCain

rick_ss-santorum.jpgPer Romney sources, the call is going into California, Colorado, Alaska and a few other Super Tuesday states: “Hello, this is Senator Rick Santorum calling to let you know I am supporting Mitt Romney and urging you to support him next Tuesday.

“As Republican leader in the U.S. Senate, I worked hard to stop the democrats and help pass a conservative agenda. A few senators like John McCain stood in our way. John McCain voted against the president’s tax cuts, worked with Ted Kennedy to pass what many people call amnesty for illegal aliens and he even opposes the marriage amendment that says that marriage is between man and woman.

“As a conservative I don’t agree with McCain on many issues and I don’t think he has the temperament and leadership ability to move the country in the right direction. Please join me and other conservative in voting for Mitt Romney this Tuesday.” [via POLITICO]

RELATED: John Weaver, McCain’s former top strategist and the man who coordinated the Arizonan’s efforts onmccaingry.thumbnail.jpg behalf of GOP candidates in the last cycle, writes in with some recollections about how Santorum viewed McCain in the not-so-distant past: “Rick Santorum begged for John McCain to campaign for him in 2006. In fact, ‘begged’ doesn’t do it justice. And as a good conservative and party leader, McCain did so. He did multiple events for Santorum, recorded calls and an ad, and raised money for Santorum. When Santorum was begging for John, he never raised a word about any concern about McCain. In fact, he praised him. Perhaps he was desperate then. Perhaps he is desperate now.”


santorum_265x236.jpgRick Santorum
Senator, Pennsylvania
Age 50
Born Winchester, Virginia, May 10, 1958
Military service None
Reason Turned 18 after draft ended (Pennsylvania State 1980; University of Pittsburgh 1981).
Quote “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever, to my knowledge, included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.”


WIKIPEDIA: On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying as part of a 20-plane attack against a thermal power plant injohn_mccain_interview_on_april_24_1974.jpg central Hanoi, a heavily defended target area that had previously been off-limits to U.S. raids.[39][40] McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile[40] while pulling up after dropping its bombs.[41] McCain fractured both arms and a leg in being hit and ejecting from his plane.[42] He nearly drowned after he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.[39] After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around him, spat on him, kicked him and stripped him of his clothing.[43] Others crushed his shoulder with the butt of a rifle and bayoneted him in his left foot and abdominal area; he was then transported to Hanoi’s main Hoa Loa Prison, nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton” by American POWs.[43][44] Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to put him in the hospital, deciding he would soon die anyway. They beat and interrogated him, but McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.[43] Only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral did they give him medical care[43] and announce his capture. At this point, two days after McCain’s plane went down, that event and his status as a POW made the front page of The New York Times.[35]

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