Accused Date Rape Dude Led Rich Fantasy Life

– Owned a 9mm Beretta pistol, which he named “Priscilla,” and would “talk to it as if he were Elvis.”

– Claimed to kill people for the CIA, including a friend who went through secret-agent training, flunked out, and had to be killed on Marsalis’ order because “he knew too much.”

– Said he had a helicopter on stand-by in case he was needed to flown to the White House.

– Would call her to report he was crawling around in caves in Afghanistan hunting terrorists.

– Trained as an astronaut so he would have something to do “after he was done killing people with the CIA.”

Except for the bit about talking to his pistol, none of it was true, Rovell said she learned after they broke up in October 2004.

INQUIRER: SEE ALSO The Secret Lives Of Walter Mitty

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